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Re: [LUG] creating a mini-LUG

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Martin Howitt wrote:
| Is there any guidance anywhere about the best ways to run such a
group and
| interface with the "parent" D&C LUG?

There is some guidance on creating GLUGs on the net, which I think
you'll easily find.

It is strange, but I find a laissez faire approach works with DCLUG,
where with every other organisation I belong to everything needs
organising, DCLUG just happens, ideas become meetings/code/whatever.

I too would encourage them to join DCLUG mailing list, even if they
only duck in when they need help, and answer the odd question.

If you can do proper internal mailing lists with something like
mailman, that can save a lot of flaffing with email address books.
And let others join in or search the archive!!!

| I'm not able to parse the D&C LUG mission statement

Maybe we should switch to an Alan Sugar style mission statement -
how about "don't crash", the joke has run thin.
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