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Re: [LUG] Re: Debian Masterclass - Details

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john wrote:
| On Tuesday 21 September 2004 12:03, PATRICK KIMBER wrote:
| 1/ what's the seekrit password to get past security and gain


It is upstairs, at the back, in Minerva house (note all Nova's
building seem to be called Minerva house so check directions even if
you think you know where it is). Pynes Hill, with the new and shiny
temporary mobile phone mask in the car park. So should be easy
enough to recognise.

The room is currently empty, but hopefully I can acquire a few early
arrivers (and Matt) to arrange some furniture before hand.

I figure empty is good, and should avoid anyone leaving anything behind.

| 2/ is it permitted to bring a laptop?

Of course, kind of expected some people will bring boxes.

I do recommend backing everything up first lest you take an
affectionate interest in Debian installs, or someone installs BSD on
it by mistake.

The agenda is fairly laid back, but I do think we should aim for a
little more structured question and answer sessions than previously.
Kai mentioned talking about Debian packaging of web applications.

| 3/ how long is it expected to run for?

I figure we will run for 2 hours, take a lunch break, and then
reform at some point for those that need to play some more, or
finish off installed etc. I have no firm end time, I figure it will
run a natural length before it gets dark.

Depending how hungry I am, and on numbers, I may lock up the room
for the lunch break.

| 4/ have you got any decent coffee there?

I drink decaff, so probably not by most peoples standards. I can
organise a kettle, cups and spoons, if someone does milk and coffee,
Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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