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[LUG] creating a mini-LUG


some of the folks at my workplace (DCC) have expressed the view that they
wanted their own LUG - some of them weren't aware this group existed, others
wanted a group that was based where they worked so they could share a
lunchtime drink with other members.
Since we are quite a large employer there is already a core of about 10
people who I think will become regular contributors, of varying degrees of
skill and experience.

Is there any guidance anywhere about the best ways to run such a group and
interface with the "parent" D&C LUG? I'm not able to parse the D&C LUG
mission statement in order to effectively leverage the vertically-integrated
knowledge assets contained therein, and thereby push back the open-source
local government paradigm via the appropriate hacker-centric methodological
taxonomies, er, going forward, and would appreciate a heads-up on your brief
with respect to a semi-autonomous,  guerilla-marketed, values-based
corporate 5th column.

(sorry about that, but I thought the mission statement might help me but it
seems to have merely set me off on one)

thanks. :)

Martin Howitt
Technical Systems Team
ICT Services
(01392) 382869
The contents of the above message represent a personal view and may not
reflect the policies or views of Devon County Council.

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