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Re: [LUG] Linux Training

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Adrian Midgley wrote:
| Several medical record projects have chosen PostGreSQL because of
its greater
| robustness.

Early on MySQL didn't offer all the transaction support you'd expect
from a database.

Postgres started lean, but correct, for transactional database work.

Which would affect the choice in older projects.

Technically I don't think there is much between them now if you just
want "an SQL database", although MySQL is probably more widely used
(and also abused).

They still lag the proprietary databases (well Oracle) on several
fronts, but then databases are one of those areas where most people
will never use 99% of the features offered anyway.

Indeed the database technology is way ahead of the expertise to use
it correctly in most companies, so KISS is the order of the day when
deploying RDMSes.
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