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Re: [LUG] Modem Drivers-Meet

Sadie Brinham wrote:

Funny.I did not interpret Julian's constructive comments in that way.I took it to mean:find out which modems are supplied by each ISP-e.g Speedtouch USB from OneTel. The term "not supported" basically means,whether it be modem or O.S.,if it goes wrong,you can't expect any assistance from the ISP.
To that effect,a person connecting via OneTel with anything other than the Speedtouch supplied by them,will likely be told their modem is unsupported.


Thanks Sadie. You're right up to a point. As I briefly mentioned in one of my other replies, our remit is "get the customer back online", or to put it another way "If it is NOT required to get online it is unsupported". Modems are required to get online, so limited support has to be given to helping novice users to reinstall them. Similarly if Dialup Networking blows up we have a responsibility to hep the customer reinstall that. I know techs who even go as far as asking the customers how long the phone line is from the socket to the PC to help them gain a bit of line quality and stability (OK I'm one of them :))

So as an ISP tech, we do support more than may be thought. It's not simply a question of telling a customer who can't get their email "Well the server is up so the problem is your end." Although humanity being what it is you *could* get an unhelpful response like that (but if it's one of my team he or she will get a thick ear pronto!) or the ISP may have differing guidelines, but in the main we try to help out as much as we can.

Kind regards,


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