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Re: [LUG] Modem Drivers-Meet

Sadie Brinham wrote:

Further to my previous e-mail concerning the meets.

I understand it is a nightmare finding Linux modem drivers.

Great idea Sadie. I think your best bet would be to compile a list of ISPs that support Linux in the area first, then see if you can find out what modems they support. No point converting people and taking the effort to help them get online the first time, only to find they have reloaded Windows at a later date after the following exchange:

Cmr:  I'm having trouble logging on today.
Tech:  OK what version of Windows do you have?
Cmr:  I'm running Linux.. Debian.
Tech: I'm sorry we do not support Linux.
*end call*

After you have that info you ought to be able to download the drivers/modules for the specific modems you've identified. It would be wasteful of your time to download a raft of drivers/modules for Linux only to find that the people who turn up are with ISPs that don't support those modems and/or don't have them anyway.

Admittedly in the above I am thinking of Broadband modems, however if you include dialup as well then the list is appreciably longer. Maybe confining the list to the modems contained in the big brand name computers would lessen the workload there?

If there *are* any that have been missed in that dragnet, it ought to be possible to download them, as you say, on the day.

Kind regards,


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