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Re: [LUG] GCC compilation?

On Saturday 19 January 2002 7:35 pm, you wrote:

Why C/C++? You only "really" learn these things by using them in
anger, and they aren't terribly good programming languages in
many ways. Or perhaps I should moderate that to  they are built
for speed, in much the same way taking the hand brake, and seat
belts of a car will make it go slightly faster ;)

I've never quite understood how C is a bad language.  If it's due to the
lack of memory managent, I've always considered that a Good Thing.  The

If only because C++ helped me write smaller, faster code. A lesson obviously 
missed from the Microsoft version. 

I still enjoy reducing the size of programs and scripts, from C to PHP. It's 
one of the strengths of Open Source - if you need a really small kernel etc, 
just lop out bits from the source that aren't needed for this specific use.

Having said that, I just tried to compile this code using gcc:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;

Now when compiled from within an IDE like KDevelop, it's fine, so obviously 
I'm missing some gcc commands because I get 

/tmp/ccoRIYCB.o: In function `main':
/tmp/ccoRIYCB.o(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `endl(ostream &)'
/tmp/ccoRIYCB.o(.text+0x17): undefined reference to `cout'
/tmp/ccoRIYCB.o(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `ostream::operator<<(char 
const *)'
/tmp/ccoRIYCB.o(.text+0x27): undefined reference to 
`ostream::operator<<(ostream &(*)(ostream &))'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I'm asking for a simple-ish reason. KDevelop, with debugging switched off, 
writes this code as a 31kb executable (hw) with an rpm file coming out at 

31kb seems a lot for such a simple console program. Is KDevelop bloating the 
program? Can a command line gcc hack reduce the filesize? After all, program 
functionality doesn't come much smaller than the above.

language assumes the programmer knows what he's doing.  This, to me,
sounds like a reasonable assumption to make.


I still remember programming for a pure DOS environment (i.e. prior to MS-DOS 
6) and getting a program to compile to within 64kb. An artificial and 
frustrating limitation, but a useful challenge nonetheless.

Does anyone use assembly code still? (!!) Would assembly code written for the 
PC function independent of the OS? Are INT's handled the same way (after all, 
we're talking hardware controllers here, not OS, aren't we? Or does this only 
work in real (DOS) mode and not in a 32bit environment?) (Can you tell I 
didn't do a computer related degree!!)

Coming back to what Simon said about C++ and buffer overflows, it does take a 
LOT of time to bug proof a small program and it becomes impossible on larger 
applications. I wrote a simple DOS program (text viewer) that had to cope 
with running on a 8086 laptop (640k RAM, 4Mb hard disc, CGA graphics, 
etc.etc.) and I was able to strip out bugs quite easily. After all, when the 
program has to be that small (and efficient) to run at all, there isn't much 
room for bugs to be introduced. The final program was a client of a database 
front-end that used Paradox and the problems with that mounted and mounted 
and mounted until the larger database app was teetering over the abyss.

Power comes at a price, PHP can be more secure than Perl simply because it 
isn't possible to do in PHP some of the things you can do in Perl. Java 
applets were created to follow the same principle - an applet cannot be 
compiled to do things a Java app can do, so by definition, an applet has 
increased security compared to an app. (Note: not less bugs, just less 
opportunity for bugs and security problems like overflows.)


Neil Williams

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