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Re: [LUG] GCC compilation?

Neil Williams wrote:

Now I never did like (or 100% understand) pointers in C. Especially
converting near pointers to far pointers. That just seemed archaic - harking
back to the bad old DOS memory limit. Are these problems removed when you use
C++ on a Linux platform?

They were removed when people went 32 bit, you only needed them
because 16 bits was too small for addressing all your memory
directly, welcome to the 21st century.

32bit Unix tends to say something like "Here you are process,
pretend you have 4GB of memory to play with, all addressed with
32bit pointers".

**I have been known to say Rocket Science isn't that hard
compared to software engineering. Rocket science being largerly
based around the conservation of momentum.

Calculated using?

I take your point.

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