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Re: [LUG] GCC compilation?

Steve Marvell wrote:

On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 09:20:13PM +0000, David Johnson wrote:

As a matter of fact I decided that I would like to learn C/C++ only

I have days like that as well. Go lay down for a bit.

Why C/C++? You only "really" learn these things by using them in
anger, and they aren't terribly good programming languages in
many ways. Or perhaps I should moderate that to  they are built
for speed, in much the same way taking the hand brake, and seat
belts of a car will make it go slightly faster ;) 

Of course if you want to become a Linux kernel hacker then C is
obligatory, but there are other programming languages....

What else have you programmed in? What will you do with this

C++ Programming Language ... a tad heavy for my liking.

Seemed okay as a reference to me, lots of good advice on why
things are the way they are, and how to use it's strengths, but
I kind of learnt it then forgot it, a case of nothing to do with
it due to a project not happening.

I'm still learning C.... I think it probably helps when reading
C++ reference manuals ;)

Anyone read a good introduction to functional programming
languages, I'm not sure I want to "learn" one properly, I just
want to understand how I would use them in general, when I would
use them, that sort of thing. Nothing too academic.

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