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Re: [LUG] GCC compilation?

On Saturday 19 January 2002 7:18 pm, you wrote:
David Johnson wrote:
I suppose REALLY I'd like to learn Java, PHP or Perl but I must be

Java is cool, can't really comment on PHP or Perl in depth.

I've used C++, Java, Perl and PHP - mostly PHP recently. Whether Java is cool 
or not is debatable - probably the worst decision ever was to promote the 
Java applet for animated graphics web pages - and the number of applications 
that actually use platform-independent Java is limited. Nokia are typical of 
those developers who shout loud about Java programmed toolkits etc but then 
admit in the small print that the app cannot run on any Java VM, only the 
Windows JavaVM. So what was the point of writing it in Java??!! C++ would 
have had the same platform dependence but been MUCH faster. Personally, I've 
yet to find a useful app to write in Java. Ideas for (SMALL) projects might 
be considered. (!!)

Perl and PHP can't be compared with C++/Java/Pascal etc, but by using 
modules, Perl can do more varied tasks than PHP. Conversely, PHP is somewhat 
easier to secure because there are certain things it cannot do.

Learning Java would be a good introduction to C++, although you
might decide that Java is enough. The big problem with learning
computer languages is the libraries, whether C, C++, or Java.

True. I'm stuck with TWindow from my Borland days and getting used to C++ on 
Linux/KDE is a slow process. (One not helped by the recent upgrades using 
downloaded distros that didn't include a src CD!)

You have to learn your libraries or object hierarchies to become
truely productive in these languages, although once you've seen
a selection of these in one language you can guess pretty well
what is likely to exist in other languages of the same type.

And then come a cropper for assuming that a function uses x number of 
parameters without reading the doc. Done that.

I've seen otherwise quite "good" programmers implement their own
linked links in C++ through ignorance of the STL - arghhhhhhhh

Please explain Simon - is STL akin to the API in Windoze speak?


Neil Williams

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