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Re: [LUG] The Most Reluctant Proprietary Apologist (was: Windows 8 adoption)


On 2 January 2013 13:15, bad apple <ifindthatinteresting@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Chief, it's ALWAYS the right tool for the job. Don't make yourself look
> thick by advocating baking a cake with a thermobaric bomb, it just
> doesn't work. You know what they say: when the only tool you have is a
> hammer, everything looks like a nail. Linux is going to be your hammer**
> if you're not careful.

Sure, though there is big con you didn't mention, the "lock in" cost
that I'm acutely aware of. If I can't get my data in & out, I'm not a
happy bunny.

I also like to look at the source and evaluate the program I use. Big
SLOC and I get worried.

Of course this doesn't apply to specific stuff like a video editor, a
computer game or a CAD program, but most other things it does. The use
cases you alluded to looked like they could be done with Free

Anyway this is my personal opinion and it doesn't stop me mocking
people who took the "best tool" and ended up being "locked in". ;)

Free software and the Web is an incredible base for us to build
solutions from. We don't need to necessarily look to Microsoft,
Google, Cisco or Oracle for the "right tool" imo.

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