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Re: [LUG] Knoppix Distro


Kevin Lucas wrote:
I use it to repair Windoze Pc's

it runs in memory from the cd or usb
It finds most hardware,
It has tools for Harddisks, networking, etc,
I don't use it as a day to day OS but it could be installed
  I think it's just the Biz when you want to just run a PC and check out
CPU memory Hardware Network or remove files protected by the broken OS.

I think that it could also be used as an example disc on possible 
converts to Linux. You could run it on their computer to demonstrate 
that Linux is a worthwhile OS, as well as being free etc. All this 
without touching their hard disk at all.
With all the talk on the list about getting Linux to a wider audience, 
I thought it could be a good way of doing this. Just my idea.

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