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Re: [LUG] Knoppix Distro


On 02/06/11 22:33, Tony Sumner wrote:
> On Jun 02, 2011, Neil Winchurst wrote:
>> Has anyone on the list any experience of this distro at all?
> I think it forms the basis of Damn Small Linux (DSN) and I've used
> that on a low-spec laptop. When it starts up you see a penguin at
> the top of the page and I recall seeing the same on a Qatar Airlines
> flight when the system was booting up. 

The Penguin on boot is a standard feature of the LILO boot loader (and
probably others) and a lot of Linux distros do that, so of itself it
doesn't denote much.

Knoppix is a Debian derivative. It has a hard drive install option, but
the unofficial Knoppix site recommends (in several places) regular
Debian if you want a hard drive version of GNU/Linux.


Knoppix is intended these days more as a way of mastering bootable CD
images (although there are tools for that in many distro's), and it
looks like Damn Small Linux do use that as a way of creating their
images, but you can make any CD you like pretty easily.

I haven't used it much recently, but use to use it as a recovery CD.
These days I tend to stick with standard Debian install images, which
have sensible recovery built in, and are more likely to be fully
compatible with my installed boxes.

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