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Re: [LUG] Running two independent instances of X (including two window managers) on one PC


Rob Beard wrote:
> Simon Williams wrote:
>> Rob Beard wrote:
>>> I had a bit of a play with it last night, I managed to get the two 
>>> independent desktops working with two video cards (and also one dual 
>>> head card but the screen updates were a bit sluggish) but the keyboard 
>>> wouldn't work.
>> When you say independent desktops I assume you mean dual-head, where 
>> both desktops are controlled by one instance of X and you can go between 
>> them by sliding the mouse across?
>> Or have you somehow managed to get 2 X servers to share the same memory 
>> access?
> I was actually thinking two copies of X with their own window managers 
> and own keyboards and mice.  I've managed to set it up so I can move the 
> windows and mouse between the two screens using an Nvidia card with 
> Twinview (using the proprietory drivers :-|).

As I suspected. It's just not possible to have 2 X servers using the 
same card- even if the card has 2 monitors.

The only way of doing it is to have a second card.

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