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Re: [LUG] Running two independent instances of X (including two window managers) on one PC


I read something about this recently, although I have to admit I can't
remember where.  It was an article about having "greener" computers -
since most computers in use today are idling most of the time, why get
a computer when you could just use the 1 computer twice over.

Anyway, IIRC one of the issues they had was getting X to respect only 1
keyboard per instance of X.  They had 2 Xs running and 2 keyboards
plugged in, and despite trying to tell X1 "only use this keyboard and
not that", it would still take input from "that".

The article was a little old (c. 2005) so it may have been overcome.
As per Simon's advice, though, use 2 separate cards.


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