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Re: [LUG] OT: Wind Turbines [WAS: Data Centres]


In my opinion all so called renewables are flawed.

As with all human behaviour, there are no problems with any small scale 
developments - but -  if they become the norm and widescale, they will have 
their own impact on the natural cycles.

For example :-

Worldwide relience on wind turbines WILL dramatically affect world wide  air 
currents and hence weather patterns - even local balances could potentially 
be upset.  Removal of enough energy from the atmospheric currents to make a 
significant contribution to world energy is bound to have an effect.  This 
would have a major climatic/environmental effect.

Tidal power and wave power likewise - you cannot extract energy without 
affecting the balance of the original system.

As a beliver in 'the butterfly theory', and having a little knowledge of so 
called 'chaos theory' - the final outcomes of mass development of these 
technologies is unable to be modelled and hence uncertain.

Probably the best option is growing crops for burning - a 'renewable' which 
doesn't seem to be much in vogue.  The concept of closed Carbon Cycles has 
to be a good one plus of course it gives the farmers something to do!!

Whether man made co2 is an issue or not, I find it amazing that this is the 
only greenhouse gas on which our great leaders are focussed - there are many 
others - but they are probably less emotive



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