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Re: [LUG] OT: Wind Turbines [WAS: Data Centres]


Mark Jose wrote:
> Wind farms are good - but seem to hit a lot of opposition. Living not too far 
> from one, I can honestly say that I have no objection to them. If they 
> decided to turn the field behind me into a wind farm, I would have no 
> problem. On the other hand, if they decided to open a nuclear station, I 
> would move.
> Mark (who was campaigning against nuclear power in the 1970's)

You have got to be kidding me.
Wind farms are negative energy. They cost far more in energy to build 
and maintain than they will ever produce in their lifetime.
Plus they look unsightly, take up lots of space, generate lots of noise 
and are extremely hazardous to birds.
It takes 1000 turbines to generate the same amount of power as a single 
conventional power station. What a waste of taxpayers money. I think 
you'll also find that they actually cost you in carbon.

Though in all honesty I do not believe for one second that the carbon we 
produce makes the slightest bit of difference to our climate- one 
volcanic eruption produces hundreds of millions of times more carbon 
than we ever will. The sun dictates our climate more than anything else.

It's all propaganda.
We should be concentrating on dealing with the man made chemicals and 
similar pollutants that we release into the atmosphere.
And on making our houses energy efficient.

My opinion anyway

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