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Re: [LUG] GNU/Linux in schools


On 17/10/06, Neil Williams <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That is a horrendous indictment of current educational methods in IT.
Yet a completely accurate one.

I remember (bitterly) trying to compile C and C++ code on Windows
(.exe, .cpl, a nefarious TSR, a .dll now and then) after paying a
FORTUNE for the compiler! (~1991-4).
My only attempt at programming on Windows was in 2005, when I decided to try my hand at C++ (never got anywhere) but was immediately repelled by the complete lack of programmer-friendliness in the whole system.

Now, I can't believe I was that dumb to actually pay money for that
Don't beat yourself up - my former school reportedly paid £125/person/year for subscription to the RM network software they had, and still kept on citing cost as a reason not to switch to Linux servers.

> FROM: /dev/socialism
(This was actually a part of my signature, but I think that monopolies are also a problem within the FLOSS universe - the GIMP would be a lot better if it had to compete with another GTK-based image editor for my attention, no doubt.

Ben Goodger

Mi admiras religiajn; ili estas fine ebliĝinta solvi la maljunegan demandon "kiel oni povas vivi sencerbe?".
It is well-known that I am blunt and unsophisticated. It's largely your fault if you object to this.
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