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[LUG] Ethernet??


I am still having some fun with my internet broadband connections. Are
there any Mandriva2006 experts out there?

I opened up the control centre and chose Network & Internet. Then I
clicked on Monitor Internet Connections. This tells me that I am not
connected (see below**). I click on the connect internet button and
after a pause I am told again that I am not connected.

So I choose Alter miscellaneous internet connections. I see Testing
your connection. After a pause I am told again that I am not connected.

So why am I surprised? Well I have been using the internet for the last
hour or so. My wife has a laptop in another room (I have a wireless
router in use) and she has no problem either. So how can I be using an
ethernet connection that is not connected?

Why did I look at the control centre? Well I am getting a bit fed up
with it all. The only way I can get a connection to the internet is as

Turn off the router.
Switch on the computer and log on.
Turn the router on again.
Wait about a minute.
I can now use the internet.

I did not have this problem until I had had the router for three
months. Meanwhile the laptop works as expected.

There is an icon on the panel to show the internet connection. If I
right click on that and choose Monitor Network (see above**) it tells me
that I am connected. Can you see why I need some expert advice?

Neil Winchurst

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