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[LUG] Wirless Network



I have a small network upstairs (two Debian machines, connected to a ADSL 
Router which in its turn is connected to a Belkin Wireless Range 
Extender/Acess Point.)  (The two debian machines refuse to talk to each over, 
but thats another story).

I also have a windows wireless laptop (which is essential as it can talk to 
the two Debian Machines and attached printer, so it drags and drops backups 
and so on :-( 

I am thinking of moving one of the Debian machines to the summer house, which 
is just in range of the Wireless (sometimes).  I think what I require is a 
compatible Belkin device, set up as a range extender and set up in the summer 

This I think will give me better communications as one hopes it would work 
better  and one can site it carfully for comms and not for use..  

I have googled such devices and have seen examples of them configured either 
feeding a ethernet hub or being used as is for just wireless.  My question is 
can they do both at the same time?  I mean If I have the  PC plugged in,  
will the lappy work as well on wireless?

Any ideas or suggestions (The machine I am using is a Belkin 802.11g Wireless 
Range Extender/Access Point).

Also will the lappy play I as I move between the two devices?

Thanking you in advance.


who is still getting lots of mail returned from unknown people at say 
xyz.peterlj@xxxxxxxxxxxx (But non of the recipients are on my mailing 
list/address books, nor have my other mail accounts received the mail (my 
other accounts are in my address book).  

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