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[LUG] Another Linux convert?


Hi folks,

I was asked by a colleague at work to give them a bit of advice about 
PCs.  They currently have an old Compaq machine which they would like to 
replace with something more up to date.  They explained that they wanted 
to browse the internet, do office work (Word, Excel and some Publisher) 
and they wondered what sort of PC they would need.

As the conversation went on I told them about Vista, I mentioned that 
from what I had seen of it they wouldn't really notice any real 
advantage over Windows XP and it would be false economy to spend lots of 
money on memory and a fast snazzy graphics card to run it.  I didn't 
mention Linux at first as I thought I'd drop that in the conversation 
later on.

They then asked what I used at home.  I mentioned that my PC specs were 
now fairly average (if not low?) and that I use Ubuntu Linux.  They then 
said that they had heard of Linux through some business magazines a 
couple of years ago and they seemed interested.  I was pleasantly 
surprised that they had heard of Linux as it made it easier to give them 
the benefits.  I mentioned that Linux is more secure by default (i.e. 
running programs as a user rather than an administrator) and how it is 
very rare to get caught by a virus on Linux (okay I know there are maybe 
one or two proof of concept viruses, but that's nothing compared to the 
multitude (70,000+?) viruses that are on Windows).  They seem interested 
in the idea now of trying Ubuntu.  I figured I could give them a couple 
of Live CDs (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, PCLinuxOS) and they could have a play and 
see what they think.

So, there we go, another possible Linux convert.  Hopefully the word 
should get around a bit at work then.  I know of another two people who 
would probably benefit from Linux so if I can get one person interested 
they can start to tell other people about how good it is.

Right, I've got to go and work a spec out now... Anyone know of any 
multi-function inkjet printer/scanner machines that DO work under Linux?


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