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[LUG] Advice required on SPAM



This is a bit off subject but I thought someone will know the answer.

Basically I have started getting emails from ISPs saying they have not been 
able to deliver my mail, and returning it to me.

Basically the returned email has someones name in "" and is from a jumble of 
letters followed by @peterlj.force9.co.uk  ie

>>From  "Fred Smith"<xyz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Someone has a virus, I assume not me as I only use this address on this Linux 
machine, and also my ISP says "it is unlikely to be my own".  However I am a 
little concerned that others will assume my machine is infected and take 
action to restrict my access.

Has anyone out there any idea what is going on?

Thanking you in advance

Peter L-J

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