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Re: [LUG] GNU/Linux and DCGLUG

On Tuesday 28 September 2004 21:46, Neil Williams wrote:

"We are failing to keep up with the influx of free software users, failing
to teach people about freedom and our community as fast as they enter it. "

That rather suggests that it is not freedom - of which more anon - that is 
bringing them in, no?

Teaching is good, but allowing to learn is better.

"The main argument for the term ``open source software'' is that ``free
software'' makes some people uneasy. 

Alas, it provokes a misunderstanding.
I suggest that enough people know enough French that talking about _libre_ 
software is a better starter.

The public policy of the UK Gov which is a good place to start for what I am 
interested in and slightly involved with relates to FLOSS (Free/Libre and 
Open Source) and those who drafted that compromise acronym knew a thing or 
two about practical politics, and about getting across a message.

Exploit breakthroughs, don't mill about turning them into defeats.

Adrian Midgley                   Open Source software is better
GP, Exeter                       http://www.defoam.net/

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