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[LUG] Plan B

Here's an idea I've just been mulling over-I'd have to check the logistics 
before properly committing.

Here in St.Austell,there's an over-60's club called Sembal House.
Since I seem to be the main advocate of a ghastly-porn pop-up-free Internet 
for the elderly,here's what I hope to do:

Firstly,make enquiries as to whether the patrons have access to computers on 
site.If not,I'd like to donate at least one PC to them.Additionally,a four 
port router.(This assumes they don't detest the idea of internet access on 
Of course,it'd be of the "optimised for GNU/Linux" variety :),installed with 
whichever distro gets the over-60s club members vote.
I'd arrange an internet service for them-paying the subscription fees would 
fall to them to split between the club members.

Now,Sembal House is a small-ish venue,and I can't say how many power points 
they have-I'll need to look into this further.(I do have plenty of surge 
protectors that take 5 plugs each,if that's any help).I wonder if we could 
reach an amicable arrangement with them for the venue to be hired for a 
nominal fee?

Even if it's not so nominal,I wouldn't balk at the idea of footing the 
costs,since I'd estimate that a portion of it would go towards the welfare of 
local senior citizens.

My flat is a mere hop and a skip away,so I'll see what needs to be done 
vis-a-vis this fat pipe connection for the network installations:)

Please feel free to point out all the grave flaws in my reasoning:)


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