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Re: [LUG] ISDN was: Poorly penguins

Neil Williams wrote:

According to the site, you could use it if you paid for the calls instead of using SurfTime - sounds like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
0.6p per minute evenings and nights (Mon - Fri, 6pm - midnight, midnight - 8am)
0.5p per minute weekends (midnight Friday - midnight Sunday)

SurfTime - 7/mth = 1400 minutes at weekends = 23hrs. Using both channels, you would be limited to 12hrs a month before you were losing money again. I can see why you are on SurfTime - don't be quite so upset about the bandwidth - you might have it available but it'll cost you an arm and a leg to access it!

Thereagain, if you paid 45/mth with no SurfTime you'd have a 60/mth call allowance for an extra 14. That would give you 100hours a month at DUAL channel speed free of charge per month (1p/min at dual rate = 6,000 minutes for 60), PLUS the extra 7/mth you wouldn't be paying - another 14hrs. Did you think about it that way? (Still a hefty price tag compared to ADSL - thanks BT.)
(You might need to register with BT to see it).
Total price per month: 56.75 for 114hrs at dual channel, 228 at single channel.

I've just re-ordered the lowest spec RADSL from eclipse, (110 setup + 22.75/mth, equivalent to 32.08/mth for the 12mth contract) just to prove that the lowest possible rate is still impossible (according to BT). Only when they turn me down for that (which they 99% likely will) does ISDN become an option - at more than double the price - setup of ISDN is 200 from BT.

It's all just so expensive....
The thing with Demon is, that they COULD offer dual channel ISDN (at no extra cost to customers with SurfTime) - if they could be bothered.
As I understand it, 99% of SurfTime ISPs cannot offer bonded SurfTime because of restrictions with the equipment BT sold them (without telling them about the restrictions) - thanks again BT.

Maybe if enough people nag Demon, they may do it... well, I can hope anyway.


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