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[LUG]Re: OT: Voip power cut, FTTC


On Mon, 16 Dec 2024 20:35:25 +0000 (GMT)
Gordon Henderson <gordon+lug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Gordon,

>If you can pull 100 amps into your house for domestic use, then it may
>be argued that you're doing it wrong.

I know.   I realise what I said is a gross simplification of the state
of affairs, but the point remains;  Our infrastructure has been
neglected for years(1) and cannot cope with the modern world.  Government
seems to think that private enterprise equates to greater efficiency.
They are wrong.  It equates to corners being cut.

In the twenty years we've lived in our current property, we've seen two
unscheduled power outages of greater than 8hrs.  Both lasted a number of
days, the first about three years ago, and the second one last weekend.

With the worsening weather, overground transmission lines are
vulnerable, yet the power companies say putting stuff underground is
'too expensive'. That's one side of the issue.  On the other, you've got
the nimbys.  As a result, fuck all changes, and the vulnerable (my
mother in law is one such) suffer.

As a result of the latest failure, we're installing a diverter switch
and buying a generator(2) to mitigate against all future incidents.

(1) Same applies to all utilities, of course.

(2) Trying to hire one at the weekend is best described as 'troublesome'.

 Regards  _       "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
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