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[LUG] Coding Club in Pz? (was Re: Raspberry Pi for the boy's 8th birthday!)


On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 17:55:52 +0100
John PNZ <jh.pcgb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> A headless pi is a good place to learn linux, an arduino or BBC
> Microbit is an alternative good place to learn GPIO coding (but I’d
> not take one in preference, they’re harder to work with). 

Recently, I have been faced with a choice: either spend several hundred
quid on some off-the-shelf data-capture hardware for my teaching lab or
spend it on some arduino and build a range of devices to suit.  As an
educator, the merits of the latter didn't need much working out!

I now have quite a bit of 'arduino' and although it's not up for grabs,
I'd be happy to see it used in a 'code club' type of environment.  I'm
down in Penzance, the lab is in Longrock.  I've got a fairly good range
of basic science equipment which we can use to design, test and develop
any ideas; although my science is good, my C is rudimentary.

Is there anyone down here with coding skills who'd like to help to
start such a club? You can contact me on- or off- list if you are



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