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Re: [LUG] A pretend rant


On Mon, 28 Dec 2020 12:22:07 +0000
Neil <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Neil,

>On 28/12/2020 10:01, Brad Rogers wrote:
>> On Mon, 28 Dec 2020 09:21:50 +0000
>> Neil <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>I have never used conky. Sometimes I wonder at what is included in the 
>initial installation. I suppose it is the intended users being new to

I've used two distros in my life;  Mandrake and Debian.  I switched to
Debian because Mandrake wouldn't work with the motherboard I owned at
the time.  Since it was a paid for distro, that was a show stopper.
Hence the switch.  I decided to move away from paid for distros.  Hence
Debian.  I realise that's not the only choice available to me, but the
Debian ethos was good, AFAIAC.

>> Weirdly (perhaps), I was not at all bothered by the change from
>> SysVInit to SystemD.  However, that may well be because I don't

>Not weird to me. That sort of system just works in the background for 
>me, so I just let it get on with it. MX uses systemd.

Exactly my take on the matter.  When Gramps (genealogy software) switched
from user 'Save File' to automatic saves, I was a bit miffed.  That was
many years ago, and I got over it.

>Yes. Sometimes an update or re-install will change something I don't 
>like. So I simply change it back, if I can.

As do I.  If I can.  Was never gonna happen with SystemD.  I simply
don't have the tech knowledge to do it.  And frankly, lack the patience
to keep on top of it.

>And to you and all list members. It has to be better than 2020, please.

The pessimist in me says 'Don't count your chickens....."   :-(

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I'm doubling the rent 'coz the building's condemned
Let's Lynch The Landlord - Dead Kennedys

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