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Re: [LUG] Diasporia


On 12/07/2019 12:38, Jon Davey via list wrote:
>> On 11 July 2019 at 09:06 Giles Coochey <giles@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 11/07/2019 08:58, Tom via list wrote:
>>> On 11/07/2019 08:40, Andy Wills wrote:
>>>> On 11 Jul 2019 7:51 am, Tom via list <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Anyone who has used twitter should realise that (like FB which I use 
>>>>> a lot) is totally useless for anything other than shouting into the 
>>>>> void.
>>>> What a vivid phrase :-) Shouting into a void would of course be 
>>>> pointless because it contains literally nothing. Twitter, I think, is 
>>>> a means of trying to solve the opposite problem - reaching the few 
>>>> people in a crowded world who are interested in what you do.
>>> Judging from the threads I've seen it would appear all it does is 
>>> attract people to shout into your void. I've not seen a thread that 
>>> hasn't been seriously derailed before the bottom of the first page.
>> The emergence of social media platforms over the last decade or so, 
>> remind me of AOL joining the Internet in 1993, prior to that newsgroup 
>> threads (NNTP) were filled with courteous academic discussions, it's 
>> been downhill all the way since then.
> I can recall when there was lots of information on ....alt 2000 was it ? or 
> something like that. It was all text and before google. You searched using the 
> browser. I recall reading text a how-to on Google !
> Jon
>> The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
>> https://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list
>> FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq

Maybe it was alt 2600, hacker e-magazine thing was 2600, which I think
was named due to the frequency used for the telephone diatone at the
time (in the US I think).

There are still some nntp / usenet servers out there (
https://www.eternal-september.org/ )


Paul Sutton
gnupg : 7D6D B682 F351 8D08 1893  1E16 F086 5537 D066 302D

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FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq