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On 31/08/17 18:52, mr meowski wrote:
Have you installed the additional drivers yet in the Ubuntu "control
panels"? It should be running the nvidia-384 driver package, NOT the
opensource Nouveau stack.

On the Nouveau vs Nvidia front I've not previously found that Nouveau 
would work with my 4 screen setup, so used the proprietary drivers.
However in this machine with Ubuntu LTS 16.04 installed, the Nouveau 
drivers went in by default, and run 3 monitors.
If I plug in the 4th then the machine does not boot.

Fortuitously I was using the 4th screen for the HP Microserver which is being the storage and always-on machine now, at some saving in electricity, so for the moment I'm leaving it at that.
Mind you, Ubuntu feels more proprietary than Debian even so.


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