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Re: [LUG] arch derivatives


On 04/04/15 00:38, Migel Wimtore wrote:
> How about Arch itself? Is it just the setup time that is putting you
> off? It doesn't take so long, and once it's done, it's done. Then it's
> just you and Pacman... And AUR.
> I'm one who swears by Arch. Though my second SSD (in ThinkPad UltraBay)
> has a partition with KXStudio on it (which has some really great music
> software).

Setup times? Everything is virtualised now  - with docker/vagrant LXC
stuff or powershell scripts, WDS, your choice of hypervisor: I can spin
up at instance of anything I want in a moment. I even wrote a howto not
so long ago on this list for installing Arch from scratch - it's not
like I'm unfamiliar or n00blike with Arch or any other system for that
matter. I have to have AUR for stuff like infinality and such as well -
yaourt ftw. Pacman wasn't my problem - in Manjaro and Antergos in both
cases I had to manually intervene to kill their retarded "helpful"
package managers and use standard Arch tools to pacman -Syu the base VM

My second SSD has Win8.1 on it. Increasingly, it's not particularly any
less crappy than my main SSD, running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS + custom kernel
(to try and remove at least some of the pain) and a *lot* of other fixes
and hacks I've had to gradually introduce to maintain a functional system.

I really wish this would get along faster:


OpenBSD bootstrapped with LLVM & KVM enabled, will probably never be
finished. 100% cool, 100% not production ready. Yet another cool thing
I'd really like, but that will almost definitely never see the light of day.

I'm seriously struggling at this point to care about operating systems
as end points at all. Reluctantly I'm beginning to think google were
right along and all that counts is that your data and infrastructure is
safe on cloudy hypervisors and you can control it all from your phone,
whilst on the bus.

There is absolutely no point to this rant other than I'm still sick of
pretty much all operating systems, and that definitely includes Linux.
It's mostly been my favourite, which is perhaps why I give it the
harshest criticism. In another 3-5 years, literally everything will be
cloud based and dodgy proprietary realtime OS's in our phones, watches,
thermostats, cars, pets, children and coffee makers will run the
Internet Of Things. We'll finally be liberated from choosing between
equally shitty operating systems on arbitrarily shitty hardware
platforms because anything that can speak TCP on port 80/443 will do the
job from then on.

My fridge will be asking Amazon to buy more milk in a few years. I
really hope that whatever crappy OS does that, it will be a bit less
rubbish than anything I'm using now 'cos from where I'm standing, Arch,
Windows, Mac OS X and everything else sucks royally.

I pretty much hate computers and everything that runs on them at the
moment. :/

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