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Re: [LUG] website - why aren't we using the perfectly good domain we own?


On 4 June 2014 15:58, Gordon Henderson <gordon+lug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That somebody is of-course me. It's quite obvious, so do use my name. Also
> drogon.net is my "professional" domain name, it's not really a personal
> hosting system, although I do use it to host some of my hobby sites. (one of
> which now generates more income than my main one oddly enough!)
> However, please feel free to take over hosting and on-going website update
> and maintenance.

I wasn't complaining about the hosting, that seems to work just fine -
I'm puzzled why the DNS for dcglug.org.uk isn't reflecting the setup,
you don't need any redirection - you can still have MX records for
email and lists going to the old server, while the A record and web
traffic goes to the new - nobody needs to copy anything it's just 10
minutes twiddling the DNS for the glug domain.


Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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