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Re: [LUG] Laptop battery usage


On Wed, 4 Jun 2014 19:26:58 +0100
bad apple <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Yeah, I've got some pretty good advice here: replacement laptop
> batteries cost Â20, so who cares? I'm not spending three years
> constantly bothering with charge/deplete cycles and pulling power
> cables in and out to a schedule. I just use my laptop(s) as and when
> needed without any care whatsoever for the state of the batteries and
> then buy a new one* if/when required.
> It should be noted that I've done this with countless laptops over
> many years and have only ever had to bother replacing two of them in
> total (both Dell, as it happens).
> I treat all of my battery powered devices with similar - well, not
> exactly contempt, but certainly a lack of regard for something that is
> designed to be disposable and does not follow any hard and fast rules
> of decline. Sometimes (frequently?) it's just not worth bothering
> yourself with stuff like this...
> Regards
> *I am of course referring to the battery here, not the entire laptop:
> in the case of a certain fruity manufacturer or any other failure of a
> company that ships devices with non-removable batteries you'll have to
> either sensibly not buy their crap in the first place or start
> agonising over how to best prolong the battery life.

Many thanks for that info. The battery on this fairly new laptop is
easy to remove, so that would not be a problem. On your other point,
cost, I did not realise that new batteries were so reasonably priced.
When I checked, some while ago, on the battery for my wife's old laptop
it would have cost more than 50 pounds. That, I decided , was more than
the machine was worth.


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