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[LUG] Hp microserver
- To: "list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [LUG] Hp microserver
- From: Daniel Robinson <manipula@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2014 14:39:40 +0000
- Delivered-to: dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=2wSRfz6w7pZoCrbewGniVPzEYfuMXrfer6S0ddNZSBo=; b=dyhSxSL1qPdjEBzisWQw/AUMh4zt6Nm5jVQtmZv7dQ1fB4aaBHAeXbAgeNSS8AM7o6 BKhy6yP4VAbNzCVYGo3SUwUdOhrPWrPvVdaMHMzn+OMJW7aubck22mrxOygkduVYGjWo Yxwj2puknitNTq9J18a0Z20fg1Q6jFdS+0yhnsoowT+YuZ8Il9Iin9Xq6Kn2iR4MPq2o SD/KoJp6fim+UWrgGDc1YTSwh7qQomrfma0x10LDfzECLyqmOQ6k7i94sCYz5rk/f1P7 dSTrmtp/CG7quXwHBMwlEVaFgjAmg4en3bH6X8rFwhM4bhBvXbiNwmajZiVHWZKxPWNC uRCg==
Ok. So i got myself the n40l bundled that with 8gb of ram and a 32gb usb thumb connected to the internal usb port.
When i power on the machine the health idicator light shows red for a moment before turn off completely.
Tried all things that an experienced techy would do to no avail.
Does anyone have any idea what may cause this. I have got to the point where i am thinking it must have a hard drive present or infact the machine is DOA.
Any suggestions welcome.
Thank you all.
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