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Re: [LUG] OT: Curious spam similar to Yahoo! stuff


On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 05:22:55PM +0000, Simon Avery wrote:
> I am unable to substantiate this, but I have a strong belief that Yahoo are
> complicit in selling access details to their users email accounts and
> propogating spam.

That's not my impression. They've been an active part of the
email/anti-spam community for a long time (DKIM was designed by someone
working for Yahoo). They do care.

They do have some serious issues though and I've got the feeling many of
them are because of a messy company structure. I remember there was this
big data breach a few years ago, which happened because of a Japanese
sister company, that kind of was and kind of wasn't separate and whose
servers were somehow connected to Yahoo's main server.


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