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Re: [LUG] Phishing


It's a great reference and idea, but I'm not convinced they have the resources to actually do very much! Or at least, so many problems they can't deal with them all.

For example, we found somebody selling items on Facebook in the name of our charity. They had done this for at least one other charity (that charity told us about them), and probably three further - each time with the charity mentioned seeing no money. We reported it to both Actionfraud and Facebook ooh, about four months ago? Despite chasing several times, neither seems to have done much about it and the page is still there. (Albiet no longer listing items for /our/ charity)

We've also become the target of phone scammers, ringing up people in our name and asking them to make credit card donations over the phone. Not something we've ever done and we've been contacted several times by concerned people who have paid up. All we can do is refer them to Actionfraud (and we've contacted them ourselves). In this case, I don't think there is very much they can do and indeed, that seems to be the result.

The local police, as soon as scamming or fraud is mentioned, will point you towards "inactionfraud" and aren't a great deal of help either.
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