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Re: [LUG] Website - registering


On 02/01/13 18:55, Simon Avery wrote:
> While this is being discussed, my thoughts, which are worth not much.
> As discussed on IRC but most of y'all ain't there.
> New content.
> At present, you cannot register on the website. I understand the
> reasoning (bots, spam) but I disagree with them. There are more
> elegant ways to deal with scripted attacks.
> Worse, there doesn't appear to be any information on how to register,
> who to ask or what access or benefits doing so would bring.  There are
> also no guides to posting new content or similar.

There is a basic guide up there now from Neil Stone (Flash)
> This undoubtedly puts people off (it does me) so content creation is
> restricted to those "in the know". A boys' club, elitest, potentially
> viewable as unfriendly as well as puts undue strain on a few. Not
> good.
> Possible solutions:
> 1. Allow free registrations and give editor rights immediately. This
> would not be good.
> 2. Allow free registration but in the creation email, make it clear
> what the next step would bring, what sort of thing they should create,
> how they are expected to behave, that they're members of the mailing
> list (if required) etc - and who to ask for edit access should they
> need it. And who else to ask if the first one doesn't respond.
> 3. Tie website login into email address and their mailman password.
> Daily purges so anyone who unsubs from the list is removed from the
> website. Probably doable but might be more work than anyone wants to
> give, depending on how mailman stores its passwords.
> 4. Leave it as it is. (Hiss!)
> 5. Something else. Already proposed are some arcane git based backend
> (even as a programmer myself, I would find this unneccessarily
> complicated and another system to learn for what should be a basic and
> easy process), a change of cms, html and probably somebody's thinking
> about carving bits of stone and scanning them in.

OK I have added some content

IRC  commands page
irc user list page

I fixed the page I asked about earlier so can now add graphics to
stories,  I have asked a scratch user (not on list) to have a quick read
of my article too,  so it can go there and hopefully in a  local
community magazine.

Its getting there,  slowly but if we rush it will end up in a mess so we
take our time,  keep at it,  and just add stuff as we get it.



skype : psutton111


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