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[LUG] Website - registering


While this is being discussed, my thoughts, which are worth not much.
As discussed on IRC but most of y'all ain't there.

New content.

At present, you cannot register on the website. I understand the
reasoning (bots, spam) but I disagree with them. There are more
elegant ways to deal with scripted attacks.

Worse, there doesn't appear to be any information on how to register,
who to ask or what access or benefits doing so would bring.  There are
also no guides to posting new content or similar.

This undoubtedly puts people off (it does me) so content creation is
restricted to those "in the know". A boys' club, elitest, potentially
viewable as unfriendly as well as puts undue strain on a few. Not

Possible solutions:

1. Allow free registrations and give editor rights immediately. This
would not be good.

2. Allow free registration but in the creation email, make it clear
what the next step would bring, what sort of thing they should create,
how they are expected to behave, that they're members of the mailing
list (if required) etc - and who to ask for edit access should they
need it. And who else to ask if the first one doesn't respond.

3. Tie website login into email address and their mailman password.
Daily purges so anyone who unsubs from the list is removed from the
website. Probably doable but might be more work than anyone wants to
give, depending on how mailman stores its passwords.

4. Leave it as it is. (Hiss!)

5. Something else. Already proposed are some arcane git based backend
(even as a programmer myself, I would find this unneccessarily
complicated and another system to learn for what should be a basic and
easy process), a change of cms, html and probably somebody's thinking
about carving bits of stone and scanning them in.

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