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Re: [LUG] website


Hi All

On 30 Dec 2012, at 19:10, Neil Williams wrote:

> Paul isn't maintaining it - Simon & I are. I pay the bills.
> It's Simon who intervenes to keep the site happy at all hours of the
> day and night when Apache gets slammed by the latest bot net.

Can I suggest a possible compromise please? It seems to me that the idea has been 
put forward by Paul that he would like to be able to update the lug website. This is 
actually something I started to ponder as well so his timing was good. He has 
suggested Wordpress as being a popular and easy to use cms and one with which he is 
familiar. The server owner and admins are saying that they don't like the idea.

My idea is that I register a new site address. Create a wordpress site and give 
access to Paul and anyone else who would like to add content. We grab the rss feed 
on new articles etc and place that in the current static lug site. It could sit in 
the column that currently has out of date blog posts. We could add a link saying 
visit the lug blog etc....

I am happy to fund this. However, what I would suggest is that this be a trial run. 
If in 6 months time the site remains fairly unused, it gets taken down and we chalk 
it up as a bad idea.

Comments please?
Kind regards

Richard Brown
Youth Worker
Wild Woods Project
07747 343637

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