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Re: [LUG] Ubuntu considered harmful


On 10/12/12 11:45, paul sutton wrote:
On 10/12/12 06:51, Simon Avery wrote:
RMS is as usual correct, and I'd like to propose a very simple answer to
the whole Ubuntu situation:

I'd agree with that! Debian answers several questions well.

One comment on the linked page stood out;

"but since when was "free software" equated with "respects your privacy".

Culturally most of it does, and by consequence of having access to the
code any privacy concerns can easily be detected / removed by end
users if desired, but I still don't see the connection between free
software and assumed privacy. If anything this seems like a dangerous

He's right, and it's becoming more noticable as distros get somehow
commercialised whilst still being free. Debian has what I've
previously thought to be very restrictive "free" policies and doesn't
need to charge because it's mostly supported by individuals, rather
than large single-purpose entities like Canonical, Mint, etc. Their
business plan is to be successful via advertising, polish and high
impact - and these cost money. Ubunut of course also sent  (still
sends?) out free copies via DVD.

We shouldn't rubbish Ubuntu, it's done a hell of a lot for linux in
making it more accessible and in supporting more modern hardware. Back
when it started, getting a GUI going on Debian was a royal pain,
whereas Ubuntu did it ALL for you. But these monetizing efforts by
Ubuntu and others using my personal information has me very concerned
and I do not like it. At all.

I agree ubuntu do a really good job,  especially with software centre,
however if you want the ease of use of ubuntu without the lenses and
unity you can always use lubuntu or xubuntu, the former has its own
software centre to install / remove software.


I've been using xubuntu on a couple of machines lately and the software centre is abysmally slow and buggy and eats up a lot of unnecessary network finding reviews of things I dont want to install.
Tom te tom te tom

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