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I cannot say whether the following works or not as I'm on my phone at the moment so can't really test it, but I just came across this page:
On Nov 29, 2012, bad apple wrote:
> ... with a non-SSE2 machine I think you're out of luck. And don't
> even think about running an out-of-date browser or flash plugin just
> to keep flash compatibility, it's not worth it. Looks like it's
> get-iplayer on Linux or your trusty XP laptop until the BEEB sees
> sense and joins the rest of us in consigning Flash to the trash bin
> of history. I mean, for god's sake, even Adobe hate flash nowadays!
It seems to be only way forward. That's fine; get-iplayer is terrific
and the documentation is good too. I did wonder why the BBC relies on
Flash, especially for radio programmes. And realplayer didn't need it.
It's been quite a journey :-)
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