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On Fri, 12 Oct 2012, Simon Avery wrote:
Have you ever priced a 10mb dedicated to a site that is 10km from the exchange? (I have sites 7, 9, 10km and 13km away) Some scary figures start to appear even 1km away. And that's if you can find anyone that wants to do it...
Yes, I have.
The last 10Mb line I had instlled for a client cost them nothing for install (virgin media fibre) and £450 a month from the ISP (not Virgin, obiously) that is on a 100Mb bearer too, so they can go up to 100Mb at the flick of a button when they need it. They also get a small IPv4 subnet and a big IPv6 subnet, of-course.Sure, and that's nice. But that's a 20-fold increase in rent, and like I say, installation outside of towns is impractical. Reliability of consumer grade adsl is *good*, even in my remote sites, and contention with Zen at least is negligable at our maximum speeds.
Reliability is fine - but if your business depends on it, then get a leased line. Also understand just where the contention is - there's the network that carries th data from the premises to the edge of the ISP (Often the BT wholesale network, or another providers network - e.g. LLU), then then ISPs own network, then their connectivity to other ISPs, peering points, etc. and here you really do get what you pay for.
So running your own server in a data centre works - as long as your clientsare prepared to pay for it, but people seem to want cheap these days, or think they're entitled to "superfast" broadband without actualy paying for it, or undestanding the implications of contention, etc.Putting your hardware in a datacentre doesn't resolve local poor speed issues - unless your business is world-facing on the IT side, of course. (Which is why I rent a VM in Telehouse for our websites) There is no "One size fits all" approach to IT and business.
Sure.But once you move to clients who use leased lines, you'll find that it's amazing how a lot of silly little problems just go away. Lifes too short.
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