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Surely you realise that on a linux system, there is a *lot* of
interesting data outside of /home: just for a start, /etc is full of
stuff like password hashes and /var/log is ripe for plundering.
Imagine your laptop with only /home encrypted is lost or stolen, and not
just to a random crack junkie who'll flog it for Â30. Imagine I stole
it, for example, or just got my hands on it for 30 minutes whilst you
were off to lunch.
Hopefully you don't have any highly
skilled enemies, and your laptop probably isn't a business laptop with
regulatory control issues or $$$ worth of company secrets or the CIA
asset list on it
but if you're already actually thinking about using
encryption at all, why stop part way and do a half-arsed job of it?
Unless your laptop is the oldest piece of crap in the world, the
performance hit is negligible (perhaps 1-2% on heavy I/O).
Hope that clears that up for you.
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