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Re: [LUG] Telephone call re my computer


On 27/01/12 18:59, Mark Evans wrote:
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On 27/01/12 07:50, Eion MacDonald wrote:

,then play along if I have time and eventually say its a BBC Micro I use
explaining that it boots from a floppy disc, They do not understand and
while they uses VOIP it still wastes their productive time (while I laugh)
VoIP to PSTN (even in the called number is actually VoIP) still tends to
cost money. I suspect that even providers offering "unlimited" calling
plans would flag up almost constant outgoing calls.

No doubt Gordon could explain more. As well the way in which call
charges between PTOs can be very different from what those same
companies charge customers.

I seem to be getting quite a few "INTERNATIONAL" calls. Mostly when I'm
not at home. Since I know of nobody outside the country who has any
business calling my home number in the first place. I tend to simply
ignore any which occur when I am at home. Maybe I should put on a
podcast, put the receiver next to a speaker and see if they are still
there are the end.
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I get quite a few during the day - most of them hang up when the answerphone kicks in - that costs them too! I should add that the phone is a tool of mine not the other way round and I don’t answer it if I don’t feel like it or - some people find this strange but there it is.
Tom te tom te tom

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