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[LUG] OT: Radiation detection


Completely off-topic.....

Always wanted to own a Geiger counter (I also want a table like the old
cloud chamber the Science Museum in London had on display, now in their
archive - I asked what happened to it), and an old /. article got me
wondering what progress had been made on consumer devices.

Seems that for about 90GBP you can have a key fob detector for X-Ray,
Beta and Gamma rays, which will give you audio alert if normal
background thresholds are exceeded, and some indication of potential
exposure, and are sensitive enough to give directional information so
you can make a swift exit in the appropriate direction if the source
isn't obvious.

Anyone ever try something like this? Anyone detected any unexpected
sources of radiation. My guess, that whilst interesting, and possibly
educational, it'll be unlikely to reduce exposure significantly....

Still thought I'd ask.


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