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On 22/10/11 14:41, Gordon Henderson wrote:
The actual speed will be fixed to something slightly lower at the exchange - the bRAS profile (assuming a BT Wholesale line) so ask the ISP what the current profile cap is unless they provide a control panel to see it.
BT initially told me 3.6Mb/s when I was first connected.
To use both lines you'll need a smart router that can do load balancing - it's not channel bonding so no single session will get more than one lines worth of speed, but it can help - work permitting :) (or do it in Linux with a box with 3 Ethernet ports - see http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html )
Weren't you due to get FTTC though?
Yes - the nearest cabinet is a mile away at Townshend. There are providers other than Demon
It bothered me that it seemed that BT might have a monopoly on this, but maybe I am wrong as Entanet can do it via their resellers.who'll do you an FTTC connection - BT for example and any one of their dozen or so resellers supporting FTTC.
(Which I don't think Demon is
no they are not. The down-side is losing the demon.co.uk email and website address -
Yes, I have my own domains which I forward to demon homepages. I can move stuff over.but personally I think that no-one ought to be tied to their connectivity provider for email and webspace, but maybe that's just me. You can get independant for very cheap these days - certianly under £25 a year. A couple of quid a month isn't a lot for your own domain, email and small web presence.
I think the ISPs are still currently tied into one-year contracts with FTTC via BT, so they're typically setting the entry level a bit higher than other ADSL connections. (e.g. Entanet entry level home has a 30GB cap @ £25.89 inc vat a month)
As I said, I get 50GB/m now at the same price.
I will think about this. We did talk about this last year when I had an idea the cabinet was nearer. It's just a "junction box" up on a pole, for us last dozen or so punters at the edge of the Leedstown area.The cheapest is arguably BT themselves who are offering various bundles, but the first thing to do is de-couple your email/web from your connectivity.
Thanks for your help. James -- James Kilty http://www.kilty.demon.co.uk http://unitycontrol.co.uk http://cornwallbuddhists.org -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq