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On Sun, 1 May 2011, Simon Waters wrote:
On 01/05/11 13:03, Gordon Henderson wrote:However a bit furstration that my wife had was lack of real-time text update. Maybe it's possible, but I've not found it yet - so I create a text box, then have to click again to pull up a menu to edit the text content and type something in - clicking another button (or Ctrl-U) to update the "live" image..Double click in a text box - I guessed that one but I bet google knew.engineering days) - however I've yet to find some sort of snap-to-grid feature, so I can line up several lines of text exactly. (or maybe I just put them all in the same box)Under the "Page" Menu you can add guides and snap the boxes to the guides. The snap radius is quite small in Debian by default but it works, settable under preferences.
Thanks. We're actually getting there now - all it took was me to give up the day ...
However a new problem has reared it's ugly head - it crashes frequently under XP )-:
Got to go entertain manic 2 year old.
Good luck! Gordon -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq