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Re: [LUG] Exeter Meeting


Ideas for topics

Not sure if I can make the meeting it depends if I can get a lift from
work however

the recent discussions on network / wireless security could make an
interestring set of talks

lets start with the basics of networking

then go on to discuss hubs / switches and discuss the differences

then discuss wireless technology and how this works / differs / is
similar to the wired stuff

then look at routers and how these work in relation to the internet /
internal network

then discuss the two encryption technologies wpa ? and wep (wireless
encryption protocol)

why they are insecure and the steps we can take to help reduce risk

may have to throw in a discussion on NAT (network address translation)

that may keep us going for a good set of talks,  perhaps have slides /
hand outs for these (yes they cost perhaps this can be recovered i think
50p - 1.00 to cover printing is not too much to ask if people want
copies of the notes)

just a few ideas for the exeter meet and a few subsequent meetings in
the area,  lets not assume people fully understand these topics or as
they would lead on from each other having a good grounding in one, means
the others make sense, if they are lug talks then at least other members
know what has been covered and can plan accordingly.

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