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Hi Simon
Ref: Topics
I hope to make this meeting as it's closer to home.
I am wanting to replace MS AD with a LINUX replacement, How powerful is Samba/LDAP as a central user admin app
would like to group users and have a file server with permissions based on a group policy.
How would i get MS client PC's to login? would you need to use Novel protocol plugin?
Sam Grabham
On 27/10/2010 09:41, Simon Waters wrote:
I've booked a room for Wednesday December 1st, 19:30 for a DCGLUG
meeting at Heavitree Social Club.
Pencil it in your diaries.
I'd like it slightly more formal in nature, so anyone keen to give a
talk get in touch. We should have a projector for laptops.
There is a room hire charge, so likely to be after a donation of £2 per
attendee. Site had own parking.
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