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Re: [LUG] Health and Safety


On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 11:07 +0100, tom wrote: 
> On 08/10/10 10:58, Keith Abraham wrote:
> > ...
> > Firms often, to safeguard costs, will contract other firms only if the 
> > firm conforms to a specific ISO quality assurance standard. Within the 
> > quality ISO will be a H&S requirement which is often OTT/inappropriate 
> > for the task.
> >
> > In these situations you will often find things such as notices 
> > exasperate or even raise bewildered smile.
> >
> > Keith
> >
> >
> Why is it that the quality of quality assurance is generally so abysmal?
> Tom te tom te tom

Because most firms don't understand the purpose of Quality Assurance or
the way a Quality Management System is supposed to work, and treat it as
a "necessary evil."

A "true" application of a system such as ISO9001 will reduce waste and
increase customer satisfaction - if it doesn't it's not being done right
(probably as a result of employing "cowboy" consultants)


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